People keep asking me what I Worship, and what I am a Minister and Preacher FOR.
By Rev. Douglas Boucher
It seems a good explanation for others to understand for which we strive and Preach and Minister, and where our belief System in the Congregation of Reality is based.
Why we deify Life and the Planet, and believe that no matter what type of Creator you do or don’t believe in, we feel everyone needs to first Worship and put their Devotions, Hope, and Faith towards the Holy Mother Earth and its’ several billion year old, highly and slowly evolved, Ecosystem of Life. This is our Realism.
IAngel ( the Honorable Reverend Dr. Angela Dawn Nichols, D.D.) ,
Be glad you didn’t see the news story on ABC….there would be a whole in your TV from diving at this “hunter” shooting a bison at point blank range from the side as it didn’t even move. It was horrible to see.
I had such hopes when I was a child that there would be huge herds roaming lands given back to nature. Thought we could actually try to rebalance our use of the earth and try to re-establish the balance by re-creating biosystems we had almost wiped out. They said I was naïve…..
Who’s being naïve? Those of us with the vision to see the end result or the people who “understand power politics and how it must be fought” ? What, with human ways? As if we are going to achieve a sustainable global ecosystem based on human greed and lust for luxury and lack of knowledge and understanding of our actions, and a few tiny efforts on less than a few percent of the living lands or those un-arable and/or very rarely protected?
Do they not realize that the population of large fish and large sharks throughout the Pacific are TEN PERCENT of what they were only 40 years ago? Do they not understand we have lost WAY over half of all coral reefs globally? Can they not comprehend that the base of the food chain, the phytoplankton, coastal and arctic fish are dying from radiation poisoning and temperature changes (this water is actually COLDER) because of the Ice Caps melting, and fast. This is NOT projection, this has all already happened. NOT theories, only REAL numbers. WE ARE DESTROYING THE FOOD CHAINS. No opinion involved, this is REAL, UN-DENIABLE, and most humans cannot face nor fathom the consequences or the future.
And this pace is increasing exponentially, and we watch the world sit and worry about CASH? Do they not understand that cash is only as good as the ability of future production using that capital, because all manufactured goods do NOT last forever? If you can’t use the cash in thirty years because everyone is sick, or resources are scarce, or you can’t move the goods to market, cash is WORTHLESS.
“Men willingly believe what they wish.” - Julius Caesar (100 BC - 44 BC)
We need to get REAL in our economics. Enough Voodoo, supply side, burn the resources as fast as you can get ‘em for cash tomorrow economics. Real economics consider the total cost and created value of a product within its’ total environment, the effects of taking and using the resources, the byproducts of its creation and the use and disposal thereof, what effects and costs it will create and incur in use, and ultimately the long term costs involved in its disposal. In other words, what are the NET effects of any action, from the creation of another human life to the excellent example of the creation of an automobile: the materials required, the utility of the vehicle, its needed fuel and the chemicals produced by its action and their effects on other economic events, and what the materials that make it up end up being, from the tires, to the plastics, to the metals: all the elements of its’ existence.
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” - Philip K. Dick (1928 - 1982)
In the end, we’ll be right and we’ll all be suffering….because of who is REALLY naïve, and the REALITY of our actions.
And people laugh at me for preaching conservationism and REALITY as a religion. The PLANET is what has given us life. The PLANET is what sustains us. The PLANET requires our devotion and honor and dedication. We, because of power to destroy life, are the default CUSTODIANS of life, and the Planet, as those who have the power to destroy are the ones with the power to control.
Whether there is a creator or not is COMPLETELY irrelevant. Maybe for an afterlife, sure. But there will not be others to follow us to have an afterlife if we do not take care of the REAL sustainer of humanity… the PLANET: its atmosphere, its’ water, its’ biodiversity, its’ fragile ecosystems. Life on this planet IS being destroyed by our actions. This is not fiction, or conjecture, or hypothesis, THIS IS HAPPENING, AND FAST.
“I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.” - Frank Lloyd Wright
Humanity must either realize its’ REAL priorities or will have NO priorities.
I REFUSE to give up. We must have HOPE and FAITH that through education and preaching we can get humanity to change its’ priorities and put their efforts towards REAL SALVATION.
We MUST continue our work. Though we may damned, or laughed at, or called fools, if we must be martyred, or jailed, or derided, or beaten as were Jesus, or St. Valentine, or Ghandi, or MLK, or Abe Lincoln, or Jean d’Arc, or Nelson Mandela: when we know we are doing the right thing, when our cause is just and necessary, we must continue to stand up and carry onward.
"The time is always right to do what is right " - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Let us continue to ourselves do what is right, and help guide those who do not understand towards the light of true salvation.
Angel, thank you so very much for being an inspiration to me in our quest to preach Reality to mankind. Our Congregation of Reality WILL grow, have faith.
With all my Love and Admiration,
Your Friend and Compatriot in Spirituality,
Douglas (Reverend Doctor Douglas Warren Boucher, D.D.)
Ancient Egyptian Ankh, the Symbol of Life, our Congregational Symbol, in Lapis Lazuli
Remember that all the worlds' ecosystems are unique, yet all are tied together.
Tread lightly on our planet and use the Holy Mother Earths' resources wisely.
Reverend Dr. Douglas Warren Boucher, D.D. and Reverend Dr. Angela Dawn Nichols, D.D. of the Congregation of Reality of Universal Life.
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