In Him By Him Through Him
The state of being emotionally and intellectually bound to a course of action.
Commitment, this is what I made years ago to follow God's plan for my life. It has led down a path that caused me to be motivated make decisions that were difficult and costly. However, in retrospect I can see the blessings that abound because I committed to the right thing.
This commitment moved me from observer to participator. It caused me to be transformed from a critic to a combatant in this battle of faith.
In this country, we are protected by a volunteer army. Many reasons motivate young adults to line up and sign up for a predetermined time in military service. There comes a point where they can choose to let their commitment lapse, or they can recommit to their commitment.
I know in this life we live, it is not as cut and dry. We do not come to a point where we literally sign up, or re sign. However, sadly our lack of consideration to past promises is in effect our act of resigning.
My thoughts this morning. My choice to commit my life and future to God was the best decision I ever made. It is my opportunity to not only find the blessing of God in my life, but to be involved in the process that brings people to a point of this most blessed decision.
Have you renewed your commitment lately? I challenge you to consider this prayerfully and act accordingly on your reevaluation in this your service and obedience to God. In employment, they have what they call, Self-Evaluation. This goes into the decision of what their yearly review that impacts the bonus package and yearly raise. In your commitment, how are you doing?
I heard someone relate a story to me about when they were praying. They were telling God how they were working for him. In this prayer, the Lord interrupted and said to them, "If you worked a job the way you worked for me, you would get fired for lack of performance."
With the Lord's help, I recommit my commitment. To be emotionally,spiritually and intellectually bound to do what God desires. If you are being pulled by pressures, discouraged by events, challenged by problems, let me remind you that there remains no greater promise outside of our service to the Lord.
No matter what you do, you will be challenged, tested and face temptation. You will even at times fail the challenge, flunk the test and succumb to these pressures. However, in this life of flesh, there is no escaping this call to commitment. You will be demanded to be committed to something.
Careers, hobbies and addictions cannot be carried out without this commitment. We will be committed to something. However in our commitment to God, it allows all other activities to come under his special blessing.
In consideration this morning,
I am reuping my commitment,
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