Onlline Sermons

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Universal Life Church

Nature-Centered Imbolc Service
By Dr. Katherine MacDowell, D.Div, M.Ed., OCP, Sh., RPDP
Doctorate of Divinity
Masters, Counseling Psychology
Doctoral Candidate, Clinical and Health Psychology
Ritual Supplies:
Quarter/Element symbols:
Incense for altar, set in the East
1 red candle for altar, set in the South
Water dish for altar, set in the West
Sand dish for altar, set in the North
Center altar symbols:
1 blue candle for altar (reflecting Spirit)
1 tan candle for altar (reflecting Earth)
1 white candle for altar (for the unified Deity, Male and Female)
Athame and/or wand, I use a driftwood wand to symbolize the power of the elements which are joined by natural forces to create the wand.
Chalice for water for altar to be passed to each participant during the reception of the blessing
Pentacle for food for altar to be passed to each participant during the reception of the blessing
Altar cloth
Imbolc altar symbols:
One central white candle to symbolize Brigid's light
White candles for all participants
Fresh white flowers and dried grasses to offer Brigid
Basket for altar to hold flowers and symbolize the womb


Welcome everyone to our Imbolc celebration. 
Today we come together in celebration and honor of holy Queen and Mother Goddess Brigid,
as her presence returns to seed our world with new growth as Her Light returns.
She, the Exalted One, shall rise arise in our land as the brilliance of the shining sun.
She, the Exalted One, shall renew life through inspiration, regeneration, and healing.
We come together today to be nourished by her Holy Milk,
as it begins to break free from the Winter's icy chill to flow down into the valleys.

Opening Meditation

Let us take a moment to clear our minds and prepare our spirits.
Begin by taking several slow and deep breaths.
Allow the nourishing air to feed you, calm you, and still your minds.
Allow all thoughts of your everyday life to drift away with each exhalation.
Now imagine you are standing amidst a cool, snow covered valley.
The wind is crisp; the valley is silent and still.
It is a time of the deep winter, where the land is sleeping under a thick white blanket.
The evergreens rise tall, reaching the steel gray sky, a dark green against the snow-white background.
The maples, oaks, and willows stand thread-bare and exposed, with small seed pods barely perceptible dotting their limbs.
In the distance you hear the sound of water.
It is faint at first, but as the sun rises high overhead to warm your cheeks, the sound increases.
You follow the sound toward a brook; clear ice covers it, but you see that it is melting.
The shimmering glass of the ice is being transformed to living water as you watch.
And soon the sun's transformative heat unlocks the brook and water flows.
You bend low, no longer feeling the cold of the winter landscape,
and cup your hands into the cool water.
You splash your face and take a deep breath.
You feel refreshed.
You feel grounded.
You feel centered.
You feel purified by the sun-infused water.
Take a moment to allow yourself to soak up the cool water and feel the heat of the sun.

Opening & Consecration

In love and trust, we come together to perform the sacred rites of the Creative Force.
Our Mother and Father, our Lord and Lady, our Beginnings and our Endings,
the force that dwells in all of Nature and within each of us. 
[holding up a Blue Candle]
In love and trust, we welcome the divine energy that is within each of us to our holy rites.
[lights the Blue Candle]
[holding up a Tan Candle]
In love and trust, we welcome the divine energy of Earth that envelopes us to our holy rites.
[lights the Tan Candle]
[holding up a White Candle]
In love and trust, we welcome the Creative Force, the union of the Divine Mother and Father, the spirit of birth, of death, and rebirth, to our holy rites.
[lights the White Candle]
Group Says: Blessed Be.
[holding up incense, using a driftwood wand makes the Air pentagram]
I consecrate you, Breath of Life, source of spirit and earthly life, the inspiration and expiration of the Divine Mother and Father.
Group Says: Blessed Be.
[holding up a red candle, using a driftwood wand makes the Fire pentagram]
I consecrate you, Energy of Life, transformative spark of spirit and earthly life, the passion and will of the Divine Mother and Father.
Group Says: Blessed Be.
[holding up a dish of water, using the driftwood wand makes the Water pentagram]
I consecrate you, Nourisher of Life, food of spirit and earthly life, the compassion and love of the Divine Mother and Father.
Group Says: Blessed Be.
[holding up a dish of sand, using the driftwood want makes the Mineral/Earth pentagram]
I consecrate you, Rock of Life, foundation and form of spirit and earthly life, the strength and purpose of the Divine Mother and Father.
Group Says: Blessed Be.

Casting the Circle

We will now cast our circle to create our sacred space and secure our protection as we work together.  Please repeat after me and visualize your own energy linking with each person.
[Raising driftwood wand and standing in the East to move clockwise around three times]
Group Says: With my Breath.
Group Says: With my Energy,
Group says: With my Compassion.,
Group Says: With my Strength of Purpose
Group Says: I craft this circle three times round
Group Says: To protect and unify My being with the Divine.
Group Says: May this sacred circle
Group Says: Be filled with love, trust, and peace.
Group Says: So do I will,
Group Says: So mote it be.
The circle is cast.

Calling of the Quarters

[Standing in the East, draws an invoking pentagram with driftwood wand and lights the incense, placing it in the eastern quarter]
Sylphs, nature spirits born of the Air,
Who reside in the sky and speak on the wind,
We call to you to share your wisdom and guard our work.
By the Breath of Life, come to us.
Group Says: Blessed Be.
[Standing in the South, draws an invoking pentagram with driftwood wand and lights the red candle, placing it in the southern quarter]
Salamanders, nature spirits born of Fire,
Who reside in the magma and speak in the volcanos,
We call to you to share your passion and guard our work.
By the Energy of Life, come to us.
Group Says: Blessed Be.
[Standing in the West, draws an invoking pentagram with driftwood wand and holds the dish water up, placing it in the western quarter]
Undines, nature spirits born of Water,
Who reside in the oceans and speak in the tides,
We call to you to share your compassion and guard our work.
By the Nourisher of Life, come to us.
Group Says: Blessed Be.
[Standing in the North, draws an invoking pentagram with driftwood wand and holds up the dish of sand, placing it in the northern quarter]
Gnomes, nature spirits born of sand and stone,
Who reside in the deepest mountains and speak in streams of dust,
We call to you to share your steadfastness and guard our work
By the Rock of Life, come to us.
Group Says: Blessed Be.
We now stand between the worlds where all are joined and one.
We are linked to the Web of Life;
We have only one Spirit, Divine.
We have only one Body, Earth.
We have only one Feeling, Love.
We have only one Thought, Oneness.
Group Says: Blessed Be.

Message/Invocation of Brigid

[each participant should hold up their candle]
Mother–Queen Brigid, be with us and within us.

Group Says: Bless us and be blessed.
We carry within us your Divine Light,
which melts the snows of winter and begins to shine
offering a glimmer of Spring,
of renewed hope, healing, and inspiration.
Group Says: Bless us and be blessed.
[all light your candles]
We honor Brigid's Light, rising as the Sun.
The seeds buried deep beneath the cold ground quicken.
The Earth is awakening, Brigid arise
and be our Guide,
our Comforter,
and our Protector
as we worship you in our sacred space today,
and in our thoughts, actions, and relationships through your Season.
Group Says: Bless us and be blessed.


[holding up a basket of fresh white flowers, seeds, and corn husks, to be scattered outdoors after the ritual]
Holy Queen, Holy Mother Brigid,
Bringer of Healing, Rebirth, and Wisdom,
Goddess of the Quickening and Coming Spring,
We honor Your presence in our lives.
Accept our gift, knowing that it comes from our
Hearts, Minds, Bodies, and Spirit.
Group Says: Blessed Be
[holding up your own cup of water to drink from]
Bless our Water,
that we may be renewed.
[holding up edible seeds, fruits, bread or sweets to eat;
if you do not have this, you can definitely eat make a point to eat later to receive the blessing]
Bless our Food
that we may be fortified.
Group Says: So mote it be.

Concluding Prayer

Let us pray:
Brigid, young Bride of the Horned God,
of Faunus, and the Green Man,
You are the keeper of the eternal flame,
the Sun that never leaves us.

You have nourished the hearth of our world
through the Dreaming Time of Winter,
watching over us as we slept,
keeping us warm and secure.
You are Transformation,
The Fiery Forge that both splits and connects.
The seed breaks open in your flames,
and from its death, new life begins.
Group Says: Blessed Be


[taking the drinking water that has been blessed]
We receive Your blessing in our lives.
May we be blessed with what nourishes us.
[taking the food that has been blessed]
We receive Your blessing in our lives.
May we be blessed with what strengthens us.
We thank you Brigid, Exalted One,
Goddess whom Inspiration has adored,
for being with us on this, Your holiest of days.
Group Says: In gratitude we say farewell.
[Standing in the North, drawing a banishing pentagram]
Gnomes, nature spirits born of sand and stone,
We thank you.
Group Says: By the Rock of Life, we say farewell.
[Standing in the West, drawing a banishing pentagram]
Undines, nature spirits born of Water,
We thank you.
Group Says: By the Nourisher of Life, we say farewell.
[Standing in the South, blows out the candle, drawing a banishing pentagram]
Salamanders, nature spirits born of Fire,
We thank you.
Group Says: By the Energy of Life, we say farewell.
[Standing in the East, puts out the incense, drawing a banishing pentagram]
Sylphs, nature spirits born of the Air,
We thank you.
Group Says: By the Breath of Life, we say farewell.
[holding Driftwood wand, I cut through the circle]
What has been crafted is now undone,
Spirits joined are now themselves once more.
Energies raised have returned to Mother Earth.
We are between the worlds no more.
Our circle is now open and our rites have ended.
Group Says: Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again.

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