Master of Christian History final essay Rev. Edward Lindsay Lets take a good look at the history of the Church as to my understanding. It really all started with the resurrection of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many people do not believe that Jesus is the son of God it has been debated since the resurrection even Christ's own Disciples had a hard time believing that Jesus rose from the dead. Since he was gone and there faith in the resurrection was truly lacking. Peter was given the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven even he had a problem with the resurrection when Christ was crucified on the cross. When the Romans took Jesus they questioned Peter as to knowing Jesus he deigned and even went so far as to hide from the Romans for fear of being put to death himself. It wasn't until after he repented that the Holy Ghost ascended upon him and he became the rock of the Church and also the first Pope. But why was the early Church almost doomed before it got started? They didn't have a doctrine to go by and everyone was going around doing there own thing taking bits and pieces of other religions putting them and calling it Christianity. The big thing was accusing other people of hierarchy. Gnostic's and the practice of Gnosis at that time was a big thing they even had there own Gospels or the Good News Gnostic's were active believing that you could find God and gain spiritual awareness and that knowledge was the way to Heaven and that you did not need a priest or minister to show you the way to spiritual awareness they also had a problem with Jesus being the son of God because he was a man and many Gnostic teachings that material things were evil. The easiest way to describe Jesus is God made into man or the word made flesh. After many years of struggle the early Church had nervous problems like what to believe and what to worship while keeping there Jewish roots. There were numerous Gospels floating around but most Church's had only one book or one Gospel and it was usually different from another church one of the problems is that it was expensive to own more than one Gospel as for most Churches were poor. And the Romans made it a point to persecute all Christians in the beginning the name Christian was atype of insult and it later became a badge of honor. Around 330-334 A.D. Constantine got toghter a group of scholars, clergy, and basically wise men and put toghter the Ecumenical Council to try and figure out what Gospels, creeds and anything else that needed to go into what we call the Bible today. Up until that point most Jews were following Judaism unless they had converted to Christianity. Constantine's conversion to Christianity was the boost the Church needed making Christianity the religion of the land and ending the persecution of the Christians. With the mixing of religions still to this day we call it Jew-daio Christian. Over the centuries Christianity went threw many changes some we care about some we don't. The thing that got me was threw the development of the Church someone always figured out a way to make money off of religion selling positions or indulgences and in the early church money and status played a big role. There is just to many things to list in the development of the church and it always seemed that if you didn't think like the Bishops or the Pontiff wanted you to then you were a heretic. As for the development of the church I believe that many Gospels were left out after the ecumenical Council; decided what went into the bible I feel they left out several gospels that should have been in it. These Gospels are known as the forbidden texts most of them are Gnostic teachings but without them there place in history is left unknown. But no matter how you look at the at the history of the early church it still revolves around money how do I figure this? lets take a good look right before the great schism 1054 of the early church the Western Church did not want a married priest why not if they allowed marriage of clergy then clergy would have children and wives and they would need an income housing and so fourth. That would conflict with the vow of poverty and the Church with there land grants they would actually have to support there clergy the catch is this nowhere in the bible does Jesus say that priest cannot be married that is a church law not God's. The Church over the years became more about power and money and all that appose them are heretics. Even though the Western Church practiced the sacrifice of the Mass. They actually split from the true Church of Jesus that Church is the Eastern Orthodox Church Orthodox meaning true and not the one that has developed to this day but the early one before all the changes. The Eastern Church is extremal spiritual in the sacrifice of the Holy Mass there high Mass is usually sung and there teachings for the most part go all the way back to the beginning of the Catholic Church. The effects and traditions of the early church can be seen today we have a set doctrine called the liturgy and the sacraments are the same. The Sacraments are as follows you have the rite of Baptism, Conformation, Eucharist, Penance, anoting of the sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony but it really started and got a good hold with Constantine being converted to Catholic that really set the roots for the early church and it was to be accepted through out the land. The Eastern Church had many problems with the West being heretics and standing by there traditions. The Eastern Church to this day is still the true church of Jesus Christ and that will never change they refuse to change there doctrine do to modernism and as the church goes threw major changes like Vactatin II which most people think it modernized the church in essence it really destroyed the Roman Catholic Church now you have The Roman Catholic Church, The Traditional Catholic Church, And the Orthodox Catholic Church the Traditional Catholic Church is the Roman Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church after Vactatin II became the modern Catholic Church.but they still call it the Roman Catholic Church. The biggest change before Vactatin II was the split between the East and the West the great schism of 1054. That split cost the church dearly the Western Church has thrown out all tradition the changing of the Mass makes that Mass invalid as by Papal decree the rite of Consecration has also been changed making it invalid making the Eucharist just bread and not the body of Christ although the modern Church will argue today that it is valid Papal decree and the the book of Mark say otherwise. The point being this if you are Catholic and you want the Church Jesus started then you would have to find an Orthodox Church the next best thing for a true consecration would be the Traditional Catholic Church but threw the hierarchy and schisms the church most of us know is the modern Catholic Church. I found this an interesting course with more information than I was expecting I spent 3 years studying under a Traditional Catholic Priest Church History was a must the problems of the early church still go on today and yes money talks. Since then I have now moved on to find a new church and I am looking for truth, this is an extremely good course for getting most of the information as to how the church came into being. And the answer is still yes if you want the church Jesus started you are looking for an Orthodox Church. I look forward to more future studies and any debates that one might have. May God bless everyone and may there ministries bring him or her the Joy and salvation they want. Reverend Edward Lindsay ******************** Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free and lasts for life, so use the button. As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. Many have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and can attest to its ongoing growth and change. Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar |
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