Onlline Sermons

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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Online Sermons

Universal Life Church Seminary
The Heavenly Boomerang
Scott Phillips

I received a call yesterday afternoon from the Christian School here in Clinton. The principle called to ask me if I would speak to the Children for their first chapel service this year. He told me that their theme this year would be the golden rule and asked if I could speak to them for about ten minutes on this theme.

My first thought was, how do you communicate to two hundred and fifty kids from seven to twelve years old? I thought long and hard on the Golden rule and wanted something for an object lesson. I called a very talented young lady who works with children and asked her if she had any ideas and she said no. As we were getting off the phone she said, "You could use a boomerang." Below are my thoughts on this subject. This is not what I will say to the children, but what I would say to adults.

The Golden Rule - The heavenly boomerang

"Do to others as you would have them do to you."

Do you love Jesus? The proof is in the pudding, If you say you love Jesus, we demonstrate that by how we treat those we are in contact everyday.

Many of us have forgotten and neglected this famous command of Jesus. Often our clich?s are neglected and forgotten, but the truth of the command is important nonetheless.


The question could be asked, "WHY should we be nice to other people?" The answers would range from the following answers.

The Bible says so.
Jesus told us so.
Momma told me to.
Daddy showed me.

However, the reason why we are instructed this is it is based on the law of reciprocity. It is a fact, you will reap what you sow.

In life, our world is like a Mirror.

If you wave, people wave back.
If you are kind, people will be kind back.

However, some never understand this and they fail to be kind and then wonder why everyone runs from them.

No doubt, they hated Jesus, and the world, as a whole does not appreciate goodness and honesty on a very root level. The business world often mouths words of Christian principles, but in the boardroom these are simply empty platitudes and not governing principles.

The Bible Says that he that hath friends, must show himself friendly.

We get what we give. If we give kindness, kindness will come back.

Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall receive mercy. The Golden Rule is like a Heavenly Boomerang. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

Keep Smiling. Keep Waving. Keep being Friendly.

You are the salt of the earth. You are the Light of the world.

Let your light shine through your teeth.

Smile and the World will smile back.

In Him, By Him, Through Him,

Scott Phillips


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