The first thing that I learned is that the word Shaman is loosely used. I was surprised to find many attributes such as herbs and healing were not part of Shamanism. I now know a Shaman is not a healer, but a healer is not a Shaman, without studying both.
Although I am familiar with many of the definitions, your explanations help me understand on a higher spiritual level. I felt a wonderful connection when I got that "aha" moment. I had an experience a couple of years ago. My uncle was on his death bed. I meditated and talked to him to help him with his transition. It was very beautiful and I felt that he heard me and I could see him looking at me although I was there ethereally. A couple of weeks after his transition, I had a reading from a mentor. She told me that part of my soul transitioned with my uncle but did not come back. We did a soul retrieval meditation and recovered that fragment. I found it very interesting how I felt because I had been out of sorts, but did not know why.
Another thing I found interesting is the ceremony and rituals. I am constantly reminded that preparation is the key to success in working in the upper realms. I have a habit of rushing or skipping some of my preparation for meditation and energy work. I know when I do prepare well; the experience is for spiritually profound and the energy level is very high. Also I am reminded that keeping your space and accessories sacred for ritual and ceremony is important. I tried doubling up on the use of space and the energy changed immediately. I am already familiar with hypnosis so that lesson was an excellent review. I like the Shamanic journey, but I am sure it would be much better to have recorded it and then use that as a guide with my eyes closed. You see things much differently and on a higher level with your physical eyes closed. May be in your next class you can create a MP3 for your students to download, or recommend a CD to buy at the bookstore.
I just loved the lesson on the Mayas! I find them and their beliefs very fascinating. I have read other books but this has reignited my passion to learn more. I think that they were so in tune with their intuition and had a deep awareness and connection with the world.
What I liked most about the lessons were the practical exercises. Each time I practice a technique, I felt that I achieved a better outcome.
I found this course very informative.
Thank you,
Rev. Karen Dullnig
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