The Nature of an Absolute
I was trying to sleep at about 3:30 this morning when in my brain popped the words of the Title of this writing. After about thirty seconds I was wide awake and I knew, God wanted me to get up NOW. So I dragged my sleepy carcas to the keyboard and began to write down what you will see here.
I went back to lay down at 5:00 and after about two minutes, my brain started burning rubber again and that was the introduction to the thought. This preached powerfully. My CD recorder was not cooperating, or I would recommend listening. There was such a deep connection of the Spirit today with the message and the church as this was preached. It was truly a WORD from God for a number of people. I usually preach 25 to 35 minutes max. I preached over an hour.... and there was a long season of prayer after the preaching.
God Loves you Absolutely!
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